Wednesday, 2 May 2012

How to Select Inclusive Learning and Teaching Techniques...

Once I have assessed the needs of my learners I can plan what inclusive methods  or techniques i am going to use, here is a few examples:

Role Play - this is a fun and interactive way to engage all learners, it can offer learners with a realistic situation and the tutor can actively see how the individuals would deal with the situation. if the group is of a lower ability with technique would be beneficial as there is no reading or writing. how ever some students may find it embarrassing so this activity would be good for learners that know each other.

1-2-1 Support - is vital for a lower ability group, it offers student individual time slots with their tutor to discuss any worries or if they are struggling. the tutor can then offer support in a way that is going to directly benefit that individual, for example if they learn best by being visually shown then the tutor should provide opportunities for the leaner, e.g. by showing them pictures or a video clip. This is inclusive as it can bring all learners up to same level, with out singling people out.

Demonstration - this allows the tutor to show the learners how to do something, this is good for all ability levels as the learners can see what they need to be doing. This is an appropriate technique if the course is practical, for example cake decorating, as the best way for learners to learn is by doing something and they can visually see how to do something and ask questions on it if they are unsure.

Delphi Technique - is an anonymous technique that allows people to share their opinions with out feeling pressure to get the answer right, it is also a good way to gain a group consensus on a subject. It is inclusive as the 'post it' notes should all be the same colour and the tutor can post them on the wall if the students don't feel comfortable with this. For lower ability groups this may not be the most relevant as learners need to have some idea of the subjects they are learning about and if the class if beginners, this may be seen as setting someone up to fail if it isn't done in the right manner.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done Chloe you have explained how to select inlcusive learning and teaching techniques that meet the needs of your learners . You have also given us a number of examples and correctly described the advantages and disadvantages of using this method. You have achieved the assessment criteria for this blog assignment H1
